Missold PPI? Claim back your PPI premiums today.

PPI stands for payment protection insurance. It is an insurance policy that is normally added to loans and credit cards. If you are one of the millions of people who have been sold PPI in the UK, it may be possible to make a claim for compensation.
Millions of these policies may have been mis-sold. This is due to the fact that the lenders did not check that the policy was suitable for the borrower. These policies contain a lot of small print, which means that many people are ineligible to make a claim on the policy.

Reasons for making a claim

  • When you applied for your loan, the cost of the policy was not explained to you.
  • When you applied for your loan, you were not told about alternative, cheaper policies.
  • You were given the impression that you had to take out the policy in order to get the loan.
  • You were retired or unemployed when you took out the loan.
If you feel that you have been missold PPI, visit our website for further information on how you could make a claim. We are currently reclaiming up to £1000s on behalf of each of our clients. This money is better off in your pocket than in the pocket of your loan provider.